As you know, BudgetHostingWeb is a low-cost service.
Therefore our Basic Hosting Accounts don't include email services
because most of our members use their ISP email. However, we do offer
the following optional email upgrades:
- Web Based Email sets up your domain name in our Web Based Email System. You can then access all of your domain emails ( from anywhere in the world using any browser.
- Email Forwarding
redirects all mail sent to your domain ( to any other email box you choose,
such as your ISP mailbox.
- POP Mailbox gives you one catch
all email POP mailbox for your domain. All mail sent to your domain
( will be sent to this Mailbox.
How do I upgrade to these email options?
If you didn't order these options when your ordered your hosting
account, you can upgrade at any time using this Order
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How do I use Web Based Email?
Our Web Based Email upgrade sets up your domain name in our Web Based Email System. You can then access all of your domain emails
( from anywhere in the world using any browser.
You can log in from your Hosting Account by clicking the "Web Based Email"
link or at:
Send Your Mail
After you log in to your account, you can send new messages immediately by clicking on Compose link in the Control Panel near the top of your screen.
Address Book
You can save e-mail addresses in your address book. Whenever you receive a new message, you have the option of saving the sender's address in your address book.
You can include a standard block of text at the end of every message. This can include your contact details, brief sales message, or anything you want in your signature. Click on Signatures in the Control Panel.
You can use folders to organise your messages. For example, you can create a new folder named "Friends" to separate your personal e-mail from other e-mail.
Check Other Email Accounts
You can configure your BudgetHostingWeb account to import messages from other email accounts by clicking on the "Download External Mail" link in the Control Panel near the top of your screen. Once it's configured, check the relevant account(s) and click on "Import Email" to download messages.
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How do I use Email Forwarding?
Our Email Forwarding upgrade
redirects all mail sent to your domain ( to any
other email box you choose, such as your ISP mailbox.
If you have ordered this upgrade,
there's nothing more you need to do - this will have been set up for you
automatically and all email to your domain will be forwarded to the
Destination Email Address you have chosen.
You can change the Destination Email
Address at any time by sending us a request, including your Domain Name and
Invoice Number or Password for security verification. Click
here to do this.
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How do I use my POP Mailbox?
Our POP Mailbox upgrade gives you one
catch all email POP mailbox for your domain. All mail sent to your domain
( will be sent to this Mailbox.
If you have ordered this upgrade, your
SMTP/POP3 mail server is Use your username and
password to receive mail from this Mailbox.
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How do I set up my POP Mailbox in Outlook or Outlook Express?
- Open Outlook Express.
- Select tools/account.
- Click on the 'Add' tab and choose 'Mail...'
The first entry will be your display name, or the name people will see
as the sender of the email.
- Hit OK or Continue.
Make sure the box which says 'I already have an email account..."
is checked.
- Put (the email address you want to use) in the text
- Hit ok or continue.
- Enter the Incoming and Outgoing mail servers into the box. Your
current ISP mailserver is the SMTP (sending) mailserver and is the POP (receiving) mailserver.
Your incoming mail server is a POP3 server. This is usually correct by
- Hit ok or continue.
- Enter your user name and password.
Do not check the box below dealing with SPA.
- Hit Continue or OK.
- Hit finish, and your account should be set up.
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How do I send mail with my POP Mailbox?
Most ISP’s don’t allow their
customers to send through outside mailservers such as ours. Therefore we
recommend that our Members send email through their ISP and only use their
BudgetHostingWeb Mailbox to receive emails from their domain name.
When sending through your ISP, it is
easy to make it look like the email is coming from your domain name. The "From" and "Reply To" addresses are actually
set by your email software, not the sending server or POP Mailbox. To set this up in Outlook or Outlook Express, go to the menu
(click Tools > Accounts > Select your mail
account > Properties > then change the Email and Reply addresses
The "From" address will then be shown to your
recipients as
However, if your ISP is one of the few
that does allow their customers to send through outside mailservers and
you want to send mail through your BudgetHostingWeb Mailbox, we need to add
you as an authorized sender. This is because our mailservers are set up to stop
Spammers using
them to relay bulk email. To do this, they will only accept mail from
authorized senders.
If you try to send mail through your BudgetHostingWeb Mailbox, but find you can't, we need your
current IP address to fix the problem. You can get your IP address by clicking
here. Once you have your IP address, simply click
here to send it to us and we'll set it up for you.
If you want a more detailed explanation about how this authorization
works, please read on.
Most ISP's only use one network, so we authorize your network when
you order your hosting account or Mailbox. For example, if your current
IP address is, we authorize the network 206.168, which
will allow access from any IP address on that network, such as, and so on. However, if you use a
national ISP or move around a lot, we also need to add the other
possible networks, for example 206.169, 206.170 etc.
Also, if you change ISP's, we need to add your new network to the
list of authorized senders.
We understand that this is occasionally a nuisance, but it is far
less of a nuisance than allowing Spammers to jeopardize our network (and we all hate SPAM!)
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