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Home :: Error Messages
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There will be times when you may experience an error of some sort. The following is an explanation of what the error is, why it happens and what to do about it.

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Error: This service is temporarily not available
This is a server error is usually caused by part of the system being down temporarily for maintenance. Contact our Customer Service Team and inform them of this error.

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Error: The username or password you entered it wrong
This error is caused by the user and simply means that your user name is wrong or the password is wrong. Re-enter your password and user name and try again, also remember that these are case-sensitive. If you are sure that your password and username are right, then contact our Customer Service Team as your site may have been deleted or changed by an admin.

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Error: This directory already exists

This error is normally caused by the user and occurs after making a directory or changing directories and then hitting the "reload" button. To fix this error, click the back button and try again. If the error persists, contact our Customer Service Team.

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Error: Your Account Is On Hold....
This error is found when logging into your account and is the result of either just creating an account or having an admin place your account hold. If you receive this message, you may want to contact our Customer Service Team to find out why we placed your account on hold.

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Error: Invalid Account or Login Information
This error occurs when you try to login to your File Manager and is a result of your account username, password or category being incorrectly entered. To correct this error, enter your proper login information. If you are unsure of your information, you can try the lost password feature to double-check your details.
If the problem persists, contact our Customer Service Team.

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