We are a low-cost service so our sites are designed to be managed
through a browser to make it as easy as possible to set up and maintain
a web site. Most of our users prefer this method and log in with their
browsers at,
however we also provide 2 FTP choices. In other words, there are 3
upload options:
- BROWSER - To upload with your
browser, log into your Site Manager at
then click on the "File Uploads" link. You can set up as
many directories as you need, then upload the relevant files to each
directory with your browser.
- FREE PUBLIC FTP - We have included
instructions for this method below. After the files are uploaded to
the FTP Site, they need to be moved over to your Web Site by logging
into your Site Manager with your browser.
- PRIVATE FTP UPGRADE - Advanced users
who prefer to do everything by FTP, or those who use Page Builder
software such as Dreamweaver, can upgrade to Private FTP
Access at
This upgrade doesn't use the Public FTP Site - your uploads are
loaded directly into your account and there's no need to use a
browser. Automated software can also log in and out as necessary to
manage your account remotely.
instructions for all options can be found below. These options allow you to upload more files at a
time more quickly than through your browser.
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How do I upload through your free Public FTP site?
Please note that you can only upload files
to our Public FTP Site - you can't upload directories. If you need to
upload directories, you will need to upgrade to Private
FTP Access or create your directory structure manually, then upload
the relevant files to each directory with your browser.
If you want to upload files through our
free Public FTP Site, please follow these steps:
You can get the current login information from the "Import From Public FTP Server" section
of your Site Manager at
or contact us for help. Please don't
use your account password - the Public FTP
Site has its own password.
User ID: *******
Password: **********
(Please note that the password changes periodically for
security reasons).
Log in with your FTP software at using the
User ID and Password from your Site Manager. Please note that all
files must be uploaded to the /yourusername directory. You can't upload
or import files in subdirectories such as /yourusername/otherdirectory.
Once you are logged in, create a new directory with the name matching
your Username (all lower case letters). In other words, if your Username
is "yourusername", you will create the directory /yourusername.
Change to this new directory and upload your files. Please note that
all files must be uploaded to the /yourusername directory. You can't
upload or import files in subdirectories such as /yourusername/otherdirectory.
Once you have uploaded your files by FTP, login with your browser to
your Site Manager and click the "FTP Import" link.
On the FTP Import screen, select the directory you wish to import the
files into. If you haven't created any subdirectories, accept the
"Base Directory" option.
Select the files that you wish to import from the list, or you can
check "select all files" to import all of the files shown.
Click the "Import Selected Files" button.
You will then see a confirmation screen telling you which files were
imported successfully.
Files you import will override pre-existing files with the same file
All files are deleted
from our public FTP site every 24 hours
to avoid problems with unauthorized users. This happens at 3.00AM US
Central Time. You can check
the time in your location here.
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Do I have to use FTP?
No, you can still use the browser-based Site Manager to create and upload
your files. FTP is simply an extra option for those users who wish to use it.
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What happens to the files after I import them?
Once imported a file will become a part of your site like any other file. It will be removed from
your ftp directory and count against your total free space. All files are
deleted from our public FTP site every 24 hours to avoid problems with
unauthorised users.
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How do I upload with Private FTP Access?
If you have purchased the upgrade
to Private FTP Access, please follow these steps:
First open your FTP program and connect to
your FTP site using the following login information:
User ID: "Your BudgetHostingWeb Username"
Password: "Your Password"
This will put you in the home directory for your site.
Once you are logged in, you can upload your files to any of your
directories. Automated software will also be
able to log in and out as necessary to manage your account remotely.
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How do I upload with page builder software such as Dreamweaver?
We recommend upgrading
to Private FTP Access to upload to your site using Page Builder software
programs such as Dreamweaver. If you have ordered this Upgrade, please follow these steps:
First, open your software and from
the Menu Bar click File > Publish Web. In the location box, enter:
then click the "Publish" button.
Wait a few seconds and you will be
prompted for your Name and Password. Enter:
Name: "Your BudgetHostingWeb Username"
Password: "Your Password"
Your software will upload your selected files to your site automatically.
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Why Do I Get Errors?
You may get errors if you try to upload a file with unusual or foreign
characters in the filename or you run out of
disk space during the upload.
If you run out of disk space, you must delete other files to
free up space or add
more disk space to your account.
If you get any other errors, here are some
suggestions which may help to solve your problem:
- If you need to enter a path, just
enter "/" (without the quotes).
- Make sure there are no extra spaces
before or after any of the fields.
- Our system is case-sensitive. Enter
your Username in all lower case letters.
- The Port is 21 (this is usually the
standard setting).
- Try entering the FTP Address as
instead of
- It is possible that your FTP server
had reached its maximum limit of 50 simultaneous users when you
tried to upload. If this was the problem, you should be able to
login if you try again at another time.
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